1. Instruction to submit a manuscript to Materials Transactions (Japan Institute of Metals):
- Open the follow link: Login to your account, or create one and login to it
- Click on "Author" field
- Click on "Start New Submission" > "Begin Submission". You will see the bellow screen:

In the "Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract" scroll down to (mark a select button): Special Issue on Nanostructured Functional Materials and Their Applications IV. Then follow to enter your data. You can read the detail instruction here.
2. Selected contributions will be subjected to a regular review process. Accepted manuscripts will be published in SCI (Q1, Q2) journals (e.g. Materials Transactions, Optical Materials Express). Proceedings will be published by AIP Conference Proceedings 2022.
For publication in Optical Materials Express (OMX), the procedure is as follows:
1) Authors should submit their papers/manuscripts to the organizers via
2) A publication committee will consider whether the papers are appropriate for submissions to OMX or not
3) The authors of selected papers will submit their papers to the submission site of OMX
4) After the regular review the suceeded manuscripts will be published. The authors pay publication charges by themselves directly to OMX
Conference Proceedings (to be suggested)
AIP Conference Proceedings 2022 will be updated.
Special Issues (to be suggested)
Materials Transactions, Optical Materials Express will be updated.